Accelerating the digital transformation of healthcare

in low- and middle-income countries

Healthcare is a fundamental human right.

Half of the world’s population still lacks access to basic healthcare. Digital connected care is increasingly seen as a critical enabler to help accelerate access and delivery of healthcare, especially in low- and middle- income countries.

We believe in an ecosystem’s approach. By increasing private sector engagement, facilitating cross-sector collaboration, and leveraging our complementary capabilities, we can scale up digital connected care as a strategy to ensure all people have access to quality healthcare by 2030, as set out by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 3.

Who we are

We are a diverse global coalition united in our shared commitment to accelerate the digital transformation of healthcare as a strategy for achieving universal health coverage in low- and middle-income countries by 2030.

Our growing group of members include private sector companies, public-sector entities, research institutes, non-governmental organizations, social entrepreneurs, funding organizations and other digital health initiatives. 

What we do

We help enable the environment and infrastructure for digital health transformation across low-and middle-income countries by finding new ways for public and private organizations to partner.

We do this by connecting stakeholders in the digital health landscape, sharing knowledge and insights and fast-tracking on the ground digital health initiatives.

Learn, collaborate, and stay informed on digital health transformation topics and news related to our activities and impact.

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Discover key resources that will help you and your partners get up to speed on topics related to digital transformation of healthcare.

events dcccc


Learn about where you can meet with the DCCC. Visit the events page to see past and upcoming events. 

Our members


Join the mission for Universal Health Coverage

We are continually looking to onboard new partners who are willing to commit to our mission, provide operational resources and co-create. As a multi-stakeholder coalition we are looking to bring in a variety of voices, sectors and actors involved in the digital transformation of healthcare.