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Launched in 2016, Babyl was Rwanda’s premier digital health consultation service. In 2020, they partnered with the Rwandan Government to develop a “Digital-First Integrated Care” model, enabling access to healthcare via mobile phones. By 2023, they provided over 3,000 daily virtual consultations to over 2.5 million users. Unfortunately, they ceased operations the same year due to parent company Babylon’s bankruptcy. This document seeks to share some clear and easy-to-digest lessons learned from the activities of Babyl in Rwanda.
The digital transformation of health involves numerous interconnected health systems, processes, and data, making it a highly complex endeavor. Effective collaboration among stakeholders is necessary to ensure that different elements of the healthcare system are integrated seamlessly.In this discussion paper, we focus on an essential component of the alignment process: creating understanding between potential partners.
As a coalition, we know we need to collaborate to maximize the joint positive impact on digital health. In January, we had a group of like-minded individuals focused on impact first, join in a workshop.
This blog summarizes the key takeaways of the DCCC’s panel discussion, hosted during the Digital Health Week 2022.
The DCCC is happy to announce their endorsement of the Health Data Governance Principles. These Health Data Governance Principles cover (1) the protection of individuals and communities (2) promotion of health value, and (3) the equitable representation in data for all. The DCCC, as a global coalition united in our shared commitment to accelerating the digital transformation of healthcare, for achieving universal health coverage, recognize that a global, standardized set of health data principles is central to our mission. The use of health data from our parents and other people before us brought our medical insights to where we are today. Standing on their shoulders, we can further develope healthcare for us and our children and make it more inclusive and beneficial for all. To foster inclusive and meaningful health innovation, we need to build trust and create a level playing field for all those partners contributing to improving healthcare in an inclusive manner. The health data governance principles bring us a step closer to better, more inclusive, and safer digital health.
That is why the DCCC endorses the health data governance principles and encourages our member organizations, and others, to join us in doing so!
Read the Health Data Governance Principles
This blog summarizes the key takeaways of the Digital Health Series organized by the UHC 2030 Private Sectory Constituency and the DCCC during the Digital Health Week 2021.
This opening session ‘set the scene’ by discussing the challenges and opportunities for scaling inclusive digital health tools.
During this second session, we examined three concrete digital health interventions: what did they achieve and what was the role of the private sector?
Let’s talk about the pitfalls and successes in setting up and running digital health projects such as Take Care Africa and the Lighthouse Initiative India.
In 2012, the WHO/ITU’s created a guiding digital health system framework to help define a well-functioning digital health system.
Governing health futures 2030: Growing up in a digital world is exploring the convergence of digital health and artificial intelligence with universal health coverage to support attainment of the SDG3 and bolster the future health of children and young people.
Transform Health has launched a report that makes the case for digital health and how digital technologies can support the achievement of UHC but also the barriers that need to be overcome in order for the digital technologies and data to improve—and not undermine—health equity.
The Principles for Digital Health Inclusion set out in this report complement the larger principles of the EDISON Alliance in order to encourage thoughtful action in its focus areas of finance, education and health.
Join the mission for Universal Health Coverage
We are continually looking to onboard new partners who are willing to commit to our mission, provide operational resources and co-create. As a multi-stakeholder coalition we are looking to bring in a variety of voices, sectors and actors involved in the digital transformation of healthcare.