Location: Africa

How does this organization contribute to our joint mission to accelerate the digital transformation as a means to achieve UHC in LMICs by 2030?

GOAL3 is on a mission to enable and empower health workers in LMIC with data-driven tools. We do so by the development and commercialization of our IMPALA platform. The IMPALA platform is a combination of patient monitoring technology, measuring vital signs, and an android-based digital healthcare platform for decision support and future algorithms. GOAL 3 deploys this technology in LMICs.

What does this organization bring to the DCCC network?

GOAL3 is a young and ambitious startup which employs a unique combination of Global health experts, tropical doctors, and engineers to create technology needed for LMICs. Our organization is well represented in both the corporate, NGO, and government/policy space of Global Health and can leverage this network to the DCCC.

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