CMED Health

Location: South Asia

How does this organization contribute to our joint mission to accelerate the digital transformation as a means to achieve UHC in LMICs by 2030?

CMED is working to mitigate existing healthcare challenges, reduce out of pocket healthcare expenditure & improve service availability & delivery. Our digital health account ensures health inclusion and social safety net for users while service providers can ensure quality of service, proper monitoring, accountability & transparency. Data analysis can significantly help authorities to map resources, improve services & develop new policies aligned with the global goals. This way, we can accelerate digital transformation, equitable health coverage can be ensured in LMICs too and achieve UHC.

What does this organization bring to the DCCC network?

Building an efficient healthcare ecosystem requires patience, integrity and like-minded individuals with entrepreneurial mindset. Also, information availability is poor in LMICs. CMED has years of experience working in rural settings. CMED can share their hands-on experience, support on health system design and deployment with it’s experienced scientists, professors, software architects & developers, medical & public health experts, business operation and finance professionals. In terms of digital healthcare, CMED can give DCCC more mileage through it’s expertise, capacity & innovation.

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